Monday, June 6, 2011

My Faith Move

My husband and I are currently on a faith walk. It seems the Lord walks us through this crazy life by taking faith steps. We step out in faith, learn to live there, begin to get comfortable and then he wants us to take another step. Man, I just want to stay comfortable!

We are in the process of moving. Moving in itself can be difficult. However, this move is one that is taking place because God is saying, “go,” not because we want a different house. As we are packing, painting and getting the house ready to rent, we are taking a step closer to the dream and vision God has given us.

The other day we went looking for new places to live and walked away feeling very discouraged. We have a nice home, the kids have friends, they attend a fantastic school, and we have a great church. When we move, we will be moving to a smaller place for more money, trusting in God that our renters will pay on time and not trash our home, we will have to meet new people, etc. During this process, I began to grumble and question the Lord’s calling and process in our lives. I began to seek God for some much-needed peace.

He revealed to me Exodus 14:11-14. The Israelites are fleeing Egypt. They were released from their captive and are pursuing their freedom; the plan of God has for them. However, Pharaoh, who once held them captive, is also chasing them. They are stuck between the past and their future, a Pharaoh (past) and a massive body of water (future beyond the water). God’s people begin to grumble and complain. They begin to question God’s plan of pursing the promise land. “Why can’t we just stay in Egypt, we had a place to live, nice schools, my kids had friends.” Ok Lord, I hear you!

Moses responded, “Do not be afraid, see the salvation of the Lord. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” I found my peace in this message. I am not going to be stuck in a land that is not my home. I am going to purse the promise the Lord has given to Josh and me. When I feel pressured, overwhelmed, and downright scared I need to remember to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. The Lord is going to make room for his plan.

So, we are stepping out in faith. The Lord will not allow us to get comfortable. We are moving toward our promise land. When I take my eyes off him and begin to grumble, the Holy Spirit reminds me of the Israelites trapped between the comfortable and the salvation of the Lord. He will never leave me or abandon me, not at the red sea, not in our move . . . never.