Friday, February 5, 2010

His Past Faithfulnes Demands My Present Trust

Today I had an opportunity to sit in Chapel at Azusa Pacific University. We sang, Great is Thy Faithfulness. Have you ever let the words of a song sink into the depth of your soul? Have you ever felt the words melt into your spirit?

Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be

God is so very faithful. Our Abba Father never changes. There is no place that he hides . .he is light and he is everywhere. His compassion for us never fails. He understands our deep needs and our pains and He desires to fix them. He has been faithful for thousands of years and will continue to be for thousands more.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning my morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided:
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Every morning I awake to a new day with a clean slate. God has provided me a new opportunity to live for him, to share his love, and to be his hands and feet extended.

My favorite line in this song (at least this week) is "All I have needed Thy hand hath provided." I think sometimes in this crazy life that I live I forget that God has provided so much. I get stuck in a rut and have a tendency to focus on the negative. Josh, my wonderful husband, often says, "His past faithfulness demands my present trust" God has been totally faithful to me and because of that I need to trust him in my current circumstance. No mater what my surroundings look like, no mater what I feel, I MUST trust God. All I have ever needed he has provided so why should I not trust him in this situation?

So I began to think. I need to list all that God has done for me. As a reminder of how faithful he is and to remember to trust him now. So here is what I can come up with (I know there is more. . but this is a start):

* He gave me wonderful parents. They loved each other to the very end. They gave me a wonderful example of a Godly relationship.
*He gave me a fun, beautiful, and passionate sister. She is my encourager, my cheerleader, and sometimes my sandpaper ;)
*He gave me a wonderful husband. Josh is my best friend, my lover, and he makes me laugh all the time. God knew what I needed. Often I say to him that my life would be very boring without him!
*He gave me my beautiful Ashley. She is my beautiful princes. She is smart, compassionate, artistic, and a social butterfly. I am so proud of who she is becoming. I will never forget the experience of holding her for the first time. She has truly changed my life.
* He gave me my Samuel. My little man. He is loving, caring, smart, and tender hearted. He amazes me by the stories he can tell and blows me away by the way that he prays. He is my fulfillment of prophesy.
* He gave me Josiah and Daniel. My surprises. They are the physical representation of the spiritual work God was doing inside of me. Everyday they are a reminder that God is in control and that His plans far exceeds my ability to grasp His goodness for us.
* He gave me wonderful In-laws. A Mother in-law that loved me, encouraged me, and gently taught me how to be a better women, wife, and mother. A Father in-law that is an amazing rock. He always gives great counsel, he listens, and loves me like I was his biological daughter.
* He gave me a group of ladies in college that I so desperately needed and still need today. He brought me into relationships that challenged me, that provided stability to me, and gave me amazing life long friends.
* He gave me the opportunity to serve him and get paid for it! How cool is that! To do what you love, to serve people and Him, and get a paycheck. I totally miss being in that realm.
* He gave me friends. Men and women that have encouraged me, helped me, comforted me, loved on me, and supported me.
* Over and over He has provided for me. He gave us a car. Provided groceries. He has kept my kids closets packed with clothes without ever having to purchase a thing. He has provided paid vacations. He has given me opportunities to speak to groups of leaders.

The list could go on and on. God is so very faithful. Reminding myself of his faithfulness makes it easier to trust him today. What about you? How has God been faithful to you?

Lord, thank you for your faithfulness! Thank you for all that you have provided. Forgive me for my unbelief, for not trusting you. As I walk down this road called life may my countenance, actions, and words reflect you. Thank you that your mercies are new every morning. Amen


  1. Thanks for the reminder, Amber.
    I love you!

  2. This is beautiful, Amber! Love you!

  3. You're "new form of therapy" is good for all of us! Thanks for this. And I love you too!!!
